Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The week in review

The last week has been pretty busy for this SAHM seeking OOHE. I used last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as guilt free vacation time. Took the boys to their first day of school. I've never been so fortunate to do that. I got up made them breakfast and all that jazz!
On Friday though, the story changed DRAMATICALLY! I was lucky enough to get out there and do some real manual work with Keith. It's been a long time since I went out and did tile with him. Actually, it's been about 6 years. Since we got married as a matter-of-fact. Coincidence, I think not. Here some photos of what I did that Friday and Saturday.

It was a nice reminder that although I am able to do almost anything, manual labor just really isn't my forte' when it's 110 degrees outside. Certainly a moment when you realize just how hard your husband works!
On Sunday, it was just another usual day. However, I have learned that working in a casual environment has certainly led my wardrobe down a jean and t-shirt path. So, I set out to spend a little green to get me a few things to get by. I don't require name brand clothing and I am almost proud to a point of gloating sin when I can tell you that I bought the following for $91.36:
1 Skirt and Button up teal blouse
2 Nice Rayon blouses
1 pair of black slacks
1 black camisole with ruffle chest
1 brown camisole with lace edging
1 Crop Sweater
The only thing I regret is not getting the black heels I wanted. I didn't see it necessary however, I already have black heels, plus these were 4". Nice to have, but not when your toting yourself around on concrete, uncertain of just how far your walk might end up being!
So, on Monday, as expected it was time to hit the ground running! However, this is kinda difficult when your 4 year old only goes to PreK for 2 1/2 hours. Anytime I spent had to be spent wisely! I did manage to get my resume done, and found lots of help on the Internet. I must say, the Internet is a big help now-a-days. Definitely more so than what it was 10 years ago when I went out into the working world after being in the Navy for four years! I actually still have the books I used to help me write my resume in 2003 when I moved out to Arizona.
On Tuesday I attended a JobSeekersAZ meeting. There was much beneficial information to be had! Should I still be seeking a job when their next meeting comes about, you can count on me being there!
Also Tuesday was Keith's 32nd birthday! To be completely honest here, which later that night I explained all this to Keith as well, I hadn't really even planned on doing anything for him (of course in a loving manner). For a couple of reasons. Primarily being, I wanted to extend him the same courtesy he extends to me on my birthday, Mother's Day, our anniversary, even Christmas! It is his mother I have to thank for any real celebration of my birthday out here. If it wasn't for her, I would be cooking myself dinner and desert, making sure there were candles on my cake and all that good stuff. But, since he had mentioned that he would be back int time for his birthday dinner, So, I made a last minute trip to Autozone and the grocery store to get his gift and card and went ahead and planned dinner and his mom was nice enough to bake a giant cookie for him - YUMMY!
Wednesday - Oh what fun! As you can see in the above picture from Keith's birthday, he obviously needs a haircut. So in an effort to cut our expenses, I began cutting Keith's hair. I will also be cutting Wylie and Jacobs when the time comes. I think for my first haircut, I did a pretty amazing job! Luckily for Keith, he always wears a hat, so it wouldn't have been to big a deal, had I really fudged it up! As for Jacob right now, he says he doesn't want a haircut, which is FINE by me! As long as he keeps it combed and washed.
In regards to the job search on Wednesday, I received some follow up information regarding a job lead which is also in the construction field! Its always nice to hear one someone from another company, besides the one you worked for, wants to recommend you to someone else! So, I forwarded my resume to the lead given and crossed my fingers in hopes of an interview!
Wednesday nights are also nights for boy scouts. I (and Jacob was) an active member of Troop 451 out of Mesa Arizona. So that is how I wrapped up my Wednesday evening.
So, here we are on Thursday, went the grocery store, made my menu, did some laundry (all that housewife stuff) and plan on spending the rest of my afternoon, job searching!

So - Until I get another free morning -
Laura L Robinson
Robinson Household
Wife, Mother and General Honey Do'er